Sherri Shepherd to Khloe Kardashian: Nice
Butt Implants!
The Kardashian Empire was founded upon lovely lady
lumps, and over the years, there's been much debate about
what sort of surgical enhancements the Kim and kompany
might have undergone. Lately, there's been a lot of talk
about the possibility that Khloe Kardashian has butt
implants, and with good reason. Though always ample,
Khloe's impressive 'donk has seemed to expand
exponentially over the past year, a la the Grinch's heart
when hears the people of Whoville singing. Khloe claims
she's all natural but at least one celeb is convinced that
Khloe's backside is as real as Donald Trump's hair. “Every
time I think about going to the doctor for a consultation
about getting a plumper butt I run across a “this is what can
go wrong” pic,” Sherri Shepherd wrote on Twitter yesterday.
“Ladies stop going to these basement/back alley folks. It’s
not worth it – gotta ask @khloekardashian where she got
hers.” The backlash was instantaneous, with many of
Shepherd's followers accusing her of shaming or spreading
rumors about Khloe. Sherri seemed to not understand the
outrage: “Interesting…one comment where I add Miss
@khloekardashian’s name and it sets off a firestorm w her
fans,” she tweeted. “Almost about to delete this post bc I
don’t have time for childish behavior and rude name calling
– I referenced Khloe because she obviously went to a legit
doctor as opposed to the back alley person who did the
botched job on the left.” “All folks and tabloids trying to
start “mess” because of a slow news day – calm down.”
Shepherd did eventually delete the offending tweet...but
then continued to defend it. Someone certainly needs to
"calm down," but we don't think its Sherri's followers.
Butt Implants!
The Kardashian Empire was founded upon lovely lady
lumps, and over the years, there's been much debate about
what sort of surgical enhancements the Kim and kompany
might have undergone. Lately, there's been a lot of talk
about the possibility that Khloe Kardashian has butt
implants, and with good reason. Though always ample,
Khloe's impressive 'donk has seemed to expand
exponentially over the past year, a la the Grinch's heart
when hears the people of Whoville singing. Khloe claims
she's all natural but at least one celeb is convinced that
Khloe's backside is as real as Donald Trump's hair. “Every
time I think about going to the doctor for a consultation
about getting a plumper butt I run across a “this is what can
go wrong” pic,” Sherri Shepherd wrote on Twitter yesterday.
“Ladies stop going to these basement/back alley folks. It’s
not worth it – gotta ask @khloekardashian where she got
hers.” The backlash was instantaneous, with many of
Shepherd's followers accusing her of shaming or spreading
rumors about Khloe. Sherri seemed to not understand the
outrage: “Interesting…one comment where I add Miss
@khloekardashian’s name and it sets off a firestorm w her
fans,” she tweeted. “Almost about to delete this post bc I
don’t have time for childish behavior and rude name calling
– I referenced Khloe because she obviously went to a legit
doctor as opposed to the back alley person who did the
botched job on the left.” “All folks and tabloids trying to
start “mess” because of a slow news day – calm down.”
Shepherd did eventually delete the offending tweet...but
then continued to defend it. Someone certainly needs to
"calm down," but we don't think its Sherri's followers.